Our Current Situation in Roatan
To date, there have been no confirmed cases of COVID-19 on the island. The government is enforcing very strict rules to keep us safe, which we are all complying with for the sake of our community.
Roatan Vacation Rentals staff continue working during this time. But we are working in multiple shifts and in different locations all while keeping the office and phone lines open to help our guests and homeowners.
We also realize that many of you have questions about your vacation plans.
Here is what we are doing at Roatan Vacation Rentals:
If your flight has been canceled, please contact us with your flight details and we will work with you to rebook your stay at a later date.
If you are not allowed to travel for your scheduled booking dates for other reasons, reach out to us and we will try to help you reschedule.
Right now, most of our owners will allow you to rebook on qualified bookings for any available dates up to December 15, 2020 (some longer). If you cannot reschedule before that date, let us know and we can then communicate with the homeowner to discuss other options.
We are so grateful for your understanding during this challenging time.
The Roatan Vacation Rentals family has been working to handle all inquiries from both renters and homeowners. Everyone has questions and there are many that we simply cannot answer right now but we will try and be here to communicate.
We know that all incoming flights to Honduras from the US have been suspended through April.
We are staying in close communication with the airlines, with the local government, with the tourism bureau, and with all other businesses here in Roatan.
We are doing our absolute best to get the right information as early as possible to help you. Please bear with us as we all try to navigate this very difficult time.
What We Ask of You
Roatan relies on tourism to survive and to thrive.
This beautiful island is home to people from all over the world who have fallen in love with this gem in the Caribbean. And it is home to local families who have built the tourism industry to share their precious island with you.
We also know that many of you have fallen in love with this tropical paradise. Many of you have been here multiple times — and many of our homeowners used to be renters themselves!
If you love this island, please…support us. All you have to do is plan a trip and keep coming back.
If you have never visited Roatan but were excited to come and see this beauty for yourself, please…reschedule your visit. Don’t cancel.
We know this is a challenging time for everyone. The tourism industry has been hit incredibly hard and we will need your support when things get better.
And they will get better.

If you can reschedule your trip for later this year, you will have an enormously positive impact on all of us.
Every tour operator, every restaurant owner, every scuba instructor, every musician will be so grateful for your support.
Roatan needs your love.
When things get better and the tide turns, we will be here, ready and waiting to welcome you with open arms.
Please…remember Roatan.